Progression post “The RoG Tower”

Hey all, long time since I posted but I do this only for a hobby so anyway had some time to post, and here it is.
The RoG Tower is nearly finished! Added tons of new things since my last post but I don’t have any decent pictures yet.

What have I done?

  • Added the Barrow 120 mm resevoir
  • Put a RX 580 block from Bykski onto my RX 590
  • Black tubing 14 mm
  • Cut open the front and rear panel and spray painted them with asus typewriting
  • Re-did the whole loop
  • Added an extra ssd on the back of my X570-I

It is still not finished, Next up is some decent lightpanel and some minor touch-ups so we can take some decent pictures.

So stay tuned!